Experience and Expertise
On Your Side
Protecting and Defending the Rights of Alaskans since 1987
Alaska Criminal Defense Lawyer
At the Law Offices of Robert Herz, P.C., we represent clients accused in criminal cases. For more than twenty years we have focused on providing representation in federal court, particularly in federal white collar cases and federal drug felonies. Mr. Herz has more than 30 years of experience and intimate knowledge of Alaska’s state and federal criminal justice system, having been a criminal defense attorney since 1987. His experience includes having provided representation in some of the most difficult criminal cases tried in Alaskan courts. If you have been charged with a crime or are under investigation, Robert Herz can help you.

Contact the Law Offices of Robert Herz, P.C. BEFORE Criminal Charges Are Filed
If you learn that you are under investigation for a crime in Alaska, you need a lawyer to help protect your rights and potentially prevent criminal charges from ever being filed. It is vital for you to have a lawyer during the investigation process. The Law Offices of Robert Herz, P.C. is dedicated to making sure you have the best representation during this important stage of a criminal case. As one of the most respected criminal defense attorneys in Alaska, Robert M. Herz has the reputation and know-how to stop your criminal case before it is filed, and has had success convincing police and prosecutors not to charge a crime they are investigating.
If you are being investigated for or have been charged with a crime, call the Law Offices of Robert Herz, P.C., in Anchorage, Alaska, at 907-277-7171 today to schedule a consultation, or contact the firm online.
Call 907-277-7171 or Email Today.