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Asset Forfeiture

Asset forfeiture commonly arises in white collar cases or drug cases. It is a powerful law enforcement tool which allows the authorities to seize the property that was acquired with illegal proceeds or with the profits obtained from the illegal activity. If the federal government cannot find or seize the assets directly acquired through the illegal activity, the federal government can seize substitute assets. The authorities can take your cash, house, cars, boats or other valuable property. The process to have your property returned to you takes place in civil court, even though the underlying charges are criminal.

This is a highly specialized legal proceeding that is handled by less than a handful of attorneys in Alaska. At the Law Offices of Robert M. Herz, P.C., we have the necessary experience to properly fight asset forfeiture cases in federal court in Alaska. Trust the experience of Attorney Robert M. Herz who has been protecting and defending the rights of Alaskans since 1987.

At the Anchorage Law Offices of Robert Herz, P.C., we help individuals and businesses fight asset forfeiture. Call our number 907-277-7171 or send us an e-mail. Your constitutional rights are not just words on paper.