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Murder, Assault, and Domestic Violence Assault

In any case involving a violent crime, your future may be on the line. A conviction can destroy professional, educational and personal opportunities. It is absolutely critical to protect your rights if you have been charged with any violent crime. Our team at the Law Offices of Robert Herz, P.C., is able to apply a rigorous approach honed with over 30 years of criminal defense experience to cases involving charges of:

  • Murder and manslaughter
  • Assault
  • Domestic violence assault

Mr. Herz has defended many homicide cases in state court, including achieving outright acquittals to homicide charges. Over the years Attorney Robert M. Herz has developed in-depth knowledge in various areas of forensic science, and his law firm has access to nationally renowned experts. Mr. Herz has the skills to successfully cross-examine any expert, and the ability to take a case before a jury and win in court. At the Law Offices of Robert Herz, P.C., we have also handled hundreds of cases involving assault and domestic violence assault and Robert has achieved great success for his clients. If we are unable to reach an outright dismissal, we will do everything we can to mitigate the consequences and protect your rights and future.

Regardless of the circumstances surrounding your case, we will aggressively build the strongest possible defense. Deliberate and decisive action is critical when it comes to violent crime charges. We encourage you to get in touch as soon as possible. At the Law Offices of Robert Herz, P.C., we are dedicated to criminal defense. We have been protecting and defending the rights of Alaskans since 1987. If you have been charged with any violent crime such as murder, manslaughter, assault or domestic violence assault in state or federal court, don’t delay. Call 907-277-7171 or send us an e-mail. Your constitutional rights are not just words on paper.